Monday, March 8, 2010

'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

So, what is like to live with someone who is dealing with a terminal illness? To start off I can’t tell you. I can however, share with you what it is like to live with a Cancer Warrior.

She starts her day with a standard morning routine, that is to say she puts her pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us. The rest of us head off to work, the mall, the gym or where ever. Our Warrior readies for battle…ever day.

Over the last year and a half or so she has waged a very personal war against an unrelenting disease that ravages her body. This disease knows no sympathy, no empathy, no compassion. From the get-go she was told there is no cure but it can be slowed down. Now anyone who follows this blog knows that modern medical science has not prevailed, cancer continues to win each battle. Roni has endure four different chemo cocktails, each with it own peculiar side effects. Some of these effects have been quite apparent, i.e. the loss of hair. Others are more subtle, perhaps only her kids and I would notice these changes. She has endured two hospital stays when the chemo knocked her immune system to hell and back and a one day visit to VGH to have port put in to a vein so she would no longer be getting IV needles into veins that were becoming increasingly hard to find. This ongoing battle has bloodied and wearied our Warrior but still she steadfastly soldiers on.

I have been privileged to share this journey with a woman who does not know how to quit. Roni has taught me much about courage and determination. Taking one day at a time she unknowingly inspires many of us. I’ve been kicking around this chunk granite for more than half a century and I can honestly say I do not know many men who have balls as big as the pair this woman has.

I’ve learned that when one is forced to confront their own mortality there are generally five stages:

1.Denial:Example - "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening."
2.Anger: Example - "Why me? It's not fair!" "NO! NO! How can you accept this!"
3.Bargaining: Example - "Just let me live to see my children graduate."; "I'll do anything, can't you stretch it out? A few more years."
4.Depression: Example - "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die . . . What's the point?"
5.Acceptance: Example - "It's going to be OK."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it."

Denial never happened. This is Roni second go-round with cancer so there simply was no denial. Anger never really happened either. Previous experience has taught Roni not to waste time and energy on getting mad over something you can’t control. The energy is better invested in combating the disease. Bargaining did briefly occur but again Roni quickly realized that she had no chip to bargain with. Depression, perhaps a little but ‘happy pills’ help and the doctors are on side when it comes to the mental health issues. This not to say that Roni, or for that matter the rest of us, don’t have bad days and sad moments. We work through it and with hugs and tears… the sun rises then next day.

Roni’s primary oncologist, as you know, has told us they have exhausted their bag of tricks. The focus now shifts to quality of life rather than quantity. This where you all come in, Team Roni members all need to step up and be a friend. Phone, email, letters or cards, take her for lunch, invite her for dinner, come share some wine, join Country Dancing Boobies. Ostriches are not allowed; your head in the sand will not make this go away!! If you are so inclined, with spring coming, come and putter around the garden with Roni. Share a story, a laugh, a few tears, hugs, a prayer…we all have something to offer.

Fighting Cancer is a team sport,
Get on a Team.



Anonymous said...

Brian, Roni is an amazing woman and I'm glad she has an amazing man like you by her side! <3
Roni, I wished I lived closer so I could visit, you have inspired me for so long with your courage and humor and sharing. You taught me things about carrying on and not giving up, more than you know.He made me laugh and cry as well, I'm glad you have such a great supportive family you deserve the best. Sandra Erickson

joread said...

Thanks Brian, Roni truly is a warrior and although many of us know this we have never said it as elequently as you did here. Thanks for being there for all of us especially Roni. J

Anonymous said...

Thank you Brian for being such a wonderful husband to Roni and Roni Thank you for being just being YOU!!!
Love you both lots xoxox

Anonymous said...

I read your blog from time to time. You have an amazing attitude during all your troubles!. Keep your chin up.
Veronica and I are enjoying ourselves here in Newfoundland. Took a trip to Doha,Qatar in Dec. Deanna is teaching in a college there. Also spent a week in Sri Lanka.
Fred and V

Vanessa Z. said...

Wow... that is beautifully said. Roni, you are so lucky to have a man like Brian. You can really see the love and admiration that he has for you. :o)

Anonymous said...

Brian - you quoted one of my favourite songs - very powerful words.

Grace is all we have some days - it comes from the very soul and it can't be faked. It describes you, Roni to a "T"

When I first met you online and learned that you had cancer, the thought crossed my mind - "I wonder if I would have the same courage, determination and grace if I were facing the same circumstances?" I prayed that I would never be put to that test as I was afraid I would come up very short. I've said it more than once - you have inspired me with your courage and you continue to do so daily.

This past Oct, I heard the words "your tests came back - they found a small cancer" I was stunned! My first thought was "women in my family don't GET uterine cancer, they get breast cancer dammit!!!" I guess I thought a stronger-than-average history of breast cancer in my family would preclude any other forms of cancer for me. I was wrong!

As I went through the next few weeks in a daze and prepared for surgery, and then recuperated - there is not one day that I didn't think of you Roni, and take strength from your candid approach to your illness and it's progress - and YES, pray for your health and strength. I was very lucky - caught early, managed by surgery.

But this is not about me - I only write this because, although my experience is minuscule in comparison to yours, I can whole-heartedly agree with Brian's words "Ostriches are not allowed; your head in the sand will not make this go away!!" I'd like to add one more: "Energy Vampires are not allowed either"

I say kudos to Brian, Shannon, Patrick & Megan for sharing you with us! The 4 of you have no idea how far reaching those effects are - it's HUGE!

I'm glad we had some time on the phone today Roni - sending huge hugs your way!

Love, Mavis

Anonymous said...

Brian, I don't know what else I can say, as everyone else has said this here today.

I absolutely agree that Roni is an amazing woman. I am so impressed by her courage and determination to beat this illness. She is so far up in my estimation of what it is to look hell in the face and laugh at the enormity of it all.

It was nice to hear from you Brian and now I know that Roni has certainly got the greatest support of all, from you.

Daphne Choquette

Patrick said...

The past few nights I have been struggling with words, or what to say, and I've spoken with family and friends over this matter. And this is what I came to the conclusion.

I felt really down, and was beating myself up, I felt embarrassed, even ashamed to admit it. To acknowledge to myself that it took me far to many years to realize what an amazing woman my Mom is. I talked to a very good friend, who continues to inspire me, as well as Meghan. And both helped me realize that, its a natural thing to not really see what you really have until its being threatened to be taken away from you. And when I heard that news on Monday evening, I blanked it out, much like I did when my Mom was first diagnosed. I didn't want to admit to myself that this was the news I was really hearing, even though I had a feeling that's what it was going to be. It didn't really set it till Tuesday. And when it did, it bothered me all day till I got a chance to speak with my Mom. That night I started to really realize what I had.

But you can't beat yourself up, and feel pitiful for yourself, you have to ruck up and soldier on. And realize this is the time I have left, and I am not going to be sad for it, but be DAMN glad, that I have this time. The story of this update from me is that - its ok to just realize what an amazing woman Roni/Mom is, or whatever you happen want to call her. She doesn't mind, what she does mind is when you don't call, email, blog, or visit - to let her know that you are thinking of her. To let her know how your day was, or ask how hers was.

Now in the words of Brian - fighting cancer is a team sport. Now get on a team.

Patrick said...
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Mike Schweers said...

Miss Roni
I'm sorry I have not been a better friend, I lack the courage to look at your blog fearing what I now know. As you know my struggles with my late brother's cancer battle still hurt deep. I know its no excuse and maybe I'm using the "what i don't know can't hurt me" theory. And Brian is correct we cannot bury our heads in the sand, all you get from that is sand up your nose! So know that I've pulled my head out of my A## and am firmly on Team Roni!

Rae said...

Dear Brian and Roni,
I loved the blog! Brian, you don't comment often but you sure hit it on the head every time! Roni, you have such a loving family, thank you for allowing all of us in. At times the blog gets pretty personal and I almost feel like I am intruding..... but I learn so much from this journey, and I appreciate that you have shared so much with us. I can never thank you enough for the friendship and example you display everyday. You are the hero in the email you sent me the other day..... You are the Warrior in the battle you fight every day. I have never heard you complain. I have the deepest admiration for you. Check your facebook inbox, re a pending girls night and a lunch date.... hope to se eyou soon... Lots of love Rae

Roni said...

Again - WOW - of all the words we have in the English language - that is one that describs what I feel when I read the comments here.

Brian is one of the quiet ones, you know the ones you really have to watch - they getcha every time. And he did with this post. He doesn't realize the strength that he has - he deals with my disease too - not just me. He may not have the physical part, but he sure does the mental part and it is hard for him too. He deserves kudos big time and for putting up with me on my crappy days. But as he said, the happy pills do come in handy!!!

Fred & Vicki - thank you for taking the time to write on the blog - love to hear from you. And of course, as I am reading it, it comes out in Newfanise (if that is how you spell it).... I can still hear your voice and Vicki's too. I remember some pretty good times with your guys - lots and lots of laughs.

Mavis - you are a sweetheart and I loved the surprise phone call yesterday - you made my day!!! We are kindered spirits indeed. We shall meet one day - and good heavens the mischief we shall get into!

Mike - I have missed hearing from you - and i know it is hard for some people to talk about cancer and the thought of a friend dying from it. And as you said, you took your brother's death really hard and that is ok - we are allowed to do that. Hope that Trisha and the boys are doing great - they must be getting so big. Send me an email and let me know how things are going!

Sandra - you are always one of the first to respond - come to think of it, so do you Daphne!!! I am just me - flesh, bone and blood just like everyone else. I just happen to be in the fight of my life - and damn it, I am gonna fight hard!

Jo - well, you know how I feel and we are such good friends and so looking forward to Saturday night - Brian will be at work, so just you, me, wine and the hot tub and lots of girl talk!

Vanessa and Cris - thank you so much for your love and support. And Cris tell your Mom and Dad I will come by for a visit - and no tears, ok.... just wine!

Patrick -well, I don't have to say much.... same goes for Shannon and Meghan - there is the inner spirit that connects a mother with her children - and you are three of the best kids a Mom could ever have!

Rae - you made me cry....and you are right, Brian does hit the nail on the head every time he comments... he is good at that for sure. And yep - we are on for the gal's night - red wine here we come... maybe some nibblies too!!!

I am so humbled by what I have seen written over the last 9 days. And I thank everyone for their love and support. Brian, our kids and I will have some ups and downs but rest assured we will all bounce back.

Wait for the next installment after I meet with Dr. Klimo - hoping that he will be able to give us some good news on treatment of some sort. Hopefully the price tag won't be out of this world! It will be worth it to live longer and I plan on living as long as I can and driving everyone up the wall!

Love to everyone

Anonymous said...

Just checking in - I know I can email you privately, but sometimes it's good if those of us who post here can encourage and remind each other to do that.

Brian - my dad was a man of few words, but oh, how much weight those words carried!! A sentence from him could say more than a half hour talk by anyone else. What you said so well, did just that!

Meghan, Shannon & Patrick - I don't know you, but I can tell why Roni is so proud of all of you. I can only say my thoughts are often with you. I know what it's like when the doctors tell your mom those words none of us want to hear. My mom was a fighter too, and that example is a legacy like no other.

Roni - It was an absolute delight to talk to you the other day. It amazes me the ease with which we could converse - like we'd always known each other. I often look at the moon when I'm thinking of you, and know that the same moon shines down on you. We are all blessed for knowing you.

I'm thrilled you get to see Dr Klimo on the 22nd and I'm asking the universe to send you a miracle!!

Love, Mavis