Tuesday, August 5, 2008

She''s BACK!

Hi everyone!

I am out of the hospital - wahoooo... you can't believe how glad I to be home.... one can take only so much hospital food! This will be short - as the energy level is not that high at the moment! Will leave the blogging to Meghan!!

But I just wanted to say hi to everyone and say thank you for all the love and prayers... the flowers and the emails - they all touched me very much.

Now comes the long hard battle - but we will make it for sure!




Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Keeping positive thoughts and attitudes is terrific medicine. This biopsy might just show no cancer, just cysts, wouldn't that be terrific? :O) If that is the case, and the worse is COPD along with an infection, then prayers have been answered.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl glad you're home. Rest up and keep on smiling. Laughter is the best medicine. Am off to the Kootenays Friday for a week with parents so internet access will probably be sketchy so altho' you may not hear from me, I will be thinking of you.

Hugs, love & Laughter, Bonnie

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear a post from you Roni, and that you are home again. You have such an amazing outlook on everything, and that is indeed most of the battle.

Best of everything, and sending many hugs.


Niki G said...


stay positive, sister!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Roni, as usual you are a trooper, taking time to talk to all of us. Thinking of you and praying for you. Your spirit says it all, you are a wonderful one of a kind lady.Talk to you soon, after you get some rest. Your daughter, also something to be proud of, my hat's off to you both. HUGS Sandra Erickson

BCSugar said...

We're so glad you're back home again, and that you pulled through the surgery well... Now we wait on the prognosis, and fight with all guns loaded once it's revealed. We're all behind and beside you, with you every step of this journey. Keep positive, keep fighting!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,

Just a quick favour - can people please put their names when they write? I have no idea who a few people are.


Anonymous said...

Finally got to read the Blog, great job girl! Had a nice puter chat with Veronica today. She is sooooo upbeat!

Hugs, Ardene

Anonymous said...

Hey Roni,
I'm so proud on how you are fighting back with such a positive attitude. It's so important. All your friends are behind you.

Mike S.

Anonymous said...

Hi Roni,
Best of luck today at the Oncologist! You are in my prayers.You are an inspiration to us all and have such a fighting spirit... You will win the war one battle at a time...
Luv Rae