Tuesday, May 12, 2009

She's got a room!!!

Hey guys,

Just a quick update to let you all know that Mom now has a room of her own. She was moved at around 1am last night to the oncology floor. For those of you who would like to come visit her, she is in room 12. Mom would love visitors as she is BORED, BORED, BORED just sitting in her bed :)


DesignTies said...

I just dropped in to see if there was any news about the hotdog sale on Sunday and discovered THIS news! Meghan, thank you for keeping us all posted on what's going on. Please tell your Mom that I'm thinking about her and that I'll be watching for news that she's going home!! Remind her the she and I have a date so that I can do a blog post on her lovely kitchen - a date involving a glass or two of wine, of course!! :-)

BCSugar said...

Hi Megz, tell mom that I'll be up to see her later today.... just kidding!!! Still in the UK, of course! Thanks for the update!

And Roni - are you getting better yet??? You don't want me to come there to get you outta that bed, do you?? Don't answer that! lol Later, girlfriend!