I have met with Dr. Klimo and he put me on the capsitabine (the oral drug) and will be on it two weeks on and two weeks off. I also had my first shot of faslodix which is the anti-hormonal drug that I will be getting once a month – it slows down the production of estrogen – not that I have much left – LOL! And by the way, the needles for this sucker is about 2 inches long and I am not kidding! If you remember, I was on capsitabine through the Cancer Agency, but at a much higher dosage. I am now on for the first three days 1000mg and then after that 2000mg per day. This is in comparison to 4000mg right off the bat with the agency. I have had mild side effects with this drug – mostly the hands burning a bit and drying out. The feet are just fine! Last Friday, I started the Vinorelbine at Lions Gate Hospital – via IV – doesn’t take long to get it into my system – think getting the anti-nausea meds first took longer! Had some issues with the insurance company and the drug pharmacy that provides the drug to the hospital – had three phone calls during my treatment! Was funny in one way, but stressful in other ways.
The side effects from this drug are nasty – far worse than some of the other chemos –but at least for only a short time. Was sick from Friday until Sunday, so I can handle that – not the greatest way to drop pounds but I lost 7 over the weekend. Gives you an idea how bad the side effects were!
Next week will be busy for me medically! Supposed to see Dr. P on Tuesday, but I think I am going to cancel the appointment and just get my paperwork from the last month – which will show the results of my CT scan which I had last week. I also see my family doctor for my injection, Dr. Klimo on Thursday to see how I am doing and get blood work done and then on Friday have my IV chemo! See, I told you I would be busy!
Now, for those of you who live in the Vancouver area, you know about the annual Army & Navy shoe sale. I have never been! That has now changed. Though I didn’t go opening day – that gets a little crazy. But Shannon and I went to the one in Langley the same day we did our painting.
Been working in the garden a bit – well more Brian than me, but I will get there. I
Getting ready for the Relay for Life. My personal goal is $2,000 and I am just $76 shy of it. The team goal of $10,000 – well, at this point in time, we are a long way off – about $7,000. Hopefully, once we get some more team members, we will raise our goal – I want our team, the Country Dancing Boobies to be in the top 20 teams this year. Have also been busy with the steering committee, my partner Mary and I are getting things ready for the Survivor Tent – not must breakfast, but some fun activities which I think all survivors will enjoy. I know she and I will enjoy them! Also, my friend Rae came over along with Patrick’s girlfriend Lisa, and we cut out about 100 daffodils which will be used at the Relay. We will have to get together again and finish off the last 100 and make some other items which we will sell at the Relay and maybe beforehand.
This Saturday, is the 65th Garrison Military Ball and is being held at the Hotel Vancouver. I love going to this ball – it is very formal and elegant. Men in their dress reds and blues or tuxes and ladies in full length ball gowns. It looks amazing. This year is very special. It is the 100th Anniversary of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, the 100th Anniversary of the Royal Canadian Navy, the 65th Anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands and the 65th Anniversary of VE Day. So a lot of pomp and pageantry. The Lt Gov of British Columbia will be there as well as the Dutch Ambassador and his wife from the Netherlands. Lots of military bands will be there. The band that is always there is the 15th Field Regimental Band along with the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders, the British Columbia Regiment Pipe Band and hopefully the Naden Band from CFB Esquimalt. There will be lots of pictures for you all to see in my next blog.
Well, that is about it – I am done and time for me to head to bed. Ok, after I attach some pictures here and then bed! Hope to hear from more friends on the blog –I do love to hear from you and it means a great deal to me!
Hugz and love
Glad to see you included the shoes!! Shoes always make you feel great.
Love. Shannon
But of course I would include the shoes! And you are right, they do make you feel great!! Hmmmm - do I need more! I may go back and see if the red pair you had me try on are still there - why not!
YEESH - I feel tired just reading all you've been up to! Okay so the hospital & related stuff is not so fun. Thanks for keeping us updated darling. I look forward to hearing about the ball - how you can walk in those "stilts" those is beyond me... LOL Hugs, love & laughter, Angel friend from soon to be Pink Lady again (Bonnie)
Hot damn those are sexy shoes!!! You GO girl! I blew my knees out teaching ballroom dancing in another life, so I don't do heels anymore but oh I have shoe lust after seeing those pictures! Our Army & Navy closed it's doors a few years ago and I miss it - there were always bargains to be had.
Hope your busy week isn't too much for you - glad you aren't feeling any effects in your feet - maybe the universe will cut you a break with some of those side effects - fingers crossed for you.
You looked amazing at the wedding - and the kids are so darn cute it should be illegal. Kids always steal the show at weddings and probably will continue to do so as long as people have weddings...lol.
Take care, Mavis
hi ron:
thaks for the update. i can't believe you've braved the A&N shoe sale. my friends have been and said it was completely nuts - maybe because they went on the first day!! i love shoes as much as the next gal (maybe even more) but i'm not willing to get trampled - it's not my fault i'm so small!!!
Those are some sexy shoes!! Sounds like you have a very busy week ahead of you.
I'll be thinking of you next Friday. :) Hopefully we can get together when the hubby and I and of course Ashton come out this summer!
I have to agree with Shanny! And your new shoes look really great! Can't say I'd wear the ankle-breakers, ever, but I would love the mules, of course! I managed to pick up a couple pair at the outlet mall - not sure if I'll wear any other shoes now, as these two pair are sooo comfy!
As I mentioned in an email message, I'm sorry to find out that the side effects are hitting you hard... Too bad you can't have the drugs without 'em.
Looking forward to hearing about the Mil Ball and other events that you're attending. Once again, we're not home to attend... story of our lives, it seems.
Take care!
Too funny - I was also going to say that those are some damned sexy shoes, Roni! The Army and Navy in Langley is much nicer than the others isn't it? I went to the one downtown but didn't buy anything - shocking! Sorry to hear you were so sick over the weekend...ugh...glad it's only short-term though. Let me know when you're up to lunch again - had so much fun last time! Lori xoxo
Love the Dragon fly, ok, ladies shoes are shoes. As to the side effects my thoughts and prayers are with ya. I just keep thinking that the other side effect is without em it would be worse!
Roni, just read your blog update. You certainly are getting your share of the bad stuff. I lost my husband to multiple myeloma. He didn't have IV chemo, just oral. That was 20 years ago and I imagine the treatment has changed by now. My sister has Myeloproliferative Disease (wouldn't even try to pronounce that one). She takes, what she calls a poison pill, twice a day....one of the chemo meds. I wonder if there will ever be a cure for this dreadful cancer.
Those sure are neat shoes. I haven't worn heels for years so am sure I would be wobbling all over the dance floor. Am anxious to see the pictures, sure sounds like a posh affair.
Your gardening is waaaay ahead of ours. I am going to put a picture of some daffs I took a few minutes ago on Facebook, am sure yours are all shriveled up and gone by now. We can still get frost in early June so one has to be careful about planting. The season is about 3 weeks ahead this year and we had a really mild winter but.......still don't trust old Jack Frost. Hugs, Viv
OK I hope those shoes fit girl! 3.5 inch heels those are vicious. Enjoy the Military ball, Silly girl of course we are reading. Cancer has come up in Drew's family this time so we are all dealing with it as normal process
in our lives. I'm fine, one day at a time.
TTYL Hugs and much love
Yes, Roni- I read the blog ... but I have trouble responding there, so I respond here, via email. Good to hear you are hanging in there and having some good times in between all the medical things! And the ball this weekend ... well, it should be a ball! LOL. Hope you have a grand time. Looking foward to the pix.
Love the shoes too,my friend Linda Holder (FB) bought loads when we were in Spain last year, has to have a pair for each outfit!!
The ball sounds lovely,look forward to the pictures after.We don't have them here unless in very upper class/posh social circles,and not many even take the trouble to dress up for restaurants nowadays,shame.
Meds sound horrific and send you huge hugs,to a less stressful time.
Lots of love as always,
Sandy (Portsmouth,England)xxxx
Hi Roni, you are a busy lady, I'm glad you balance all that medical things with some fun stuff. I know it's been said, but the shoes are very sexy,,,go Roni!. I HOPE YOU ARE FEELING A LITTLE BETTER, ALL THOSE SIDE EFFECTS ARE HARSH. You look amazing at the wedding, lovely pic. The painting things are really fun, can't wait to see more. We had a snow blizzard here yesterday, 10cm of snow and wind. I really enjoy seeing your flowers the are so beautiful! And the pic of the grandchildren, they are s cute and growing so fast. I have some changes coming up, going for last round of physical therapy and hoping to get back to work by Nov1, it's a goal! Also taking my independence back and looking for and apartment. I will miss little M and Mike alot but they also have Mel an Hayden now and are making a family. So, best luck to both of us! Thank you for inspiration, as always! Sandra E
OK, just to prove that I do read the blogs here goes. I love ceramics. I used to teach it! Bet you did not know that one did you girlfriend. I have been looking for a kiln this past year as I have people that want me to get going with it again. Especially Taneil. Ken also would like to see me doing this again. He used to pour the moulds for me. Some of them can be quite heavy to lift once the "slip" is poured into them. Can you send me the address for the place you went to please? There is a nice place on Fraser Highway near the Otter Co-op on the way to Aldergrove that you and Shannon might want to check out.
You looked great in the wedding picture you attached. Looked just like the girlfriend from our years past.
Lucky you guys that you can play in your gardens. Taneil's Tom has worked up our garden spot but still can't get any seeds into it yet. It is even still too cold for things in the green house. We don't have a heat source in there yet. Everything takes so much time. I have strawberry plants and rhubarb sitting in my downstairs area waiting to go into the garden as well as some asparagus. Taneil and I usually start seeds but not this year. I also pick up started plants quite a bit. That will be next pay day.
My cold is still hanging on. Had it for a month now and my back is impriving but not totally better yet. Have been getting physio and acupunture for that. Still can only sit for a short while so I guess I better go and lay down again for awhile with cushions under my knees till the spasms stop.
Take care and love yah girlfriend.
Enjoyed reading the blog Roni. So we all love your shoes, be careful in those spikes though, they could be downright dangerous,lol! I love the mules. You're going to look so pretty - can't wait to see pics of the Ball, what a special event! You are such a busy gal, it's amazing, all that you do!
Hoping the meds become gentler on your system, and work ever so well for you.
Your garden is always ahead of ours in Surrey, my roses have buds, should be out in another week or so, it's just so chilly for May. Love your yellow roses. I always look for more flower pics on your site.
Take good care, many hugs and lots of love,
Hi Roni, I read your blog and saw your pix. Loved the idea of painting those little critters. The butterfly is really adorable. Good for you guys!
The meds that you are taking seem awesome to someone like me. I can't imagine what it must be like to take that much medication knowing that it's going to make you sick, etc. I am such a wuss!
Your family sound like such a fun group, there's a lot of love in what they do and think of doing with you. You must have set a great example.
Yes, all those celebrations have been in our Times Colonist and my neighbour next door is a retired Navy guy with a lot of credentials. He was the guy who stood beside the Admiral of the Fleet. His name is Jerry Johnson and he and his wife, Wendy, are proud grandparents of 3, the latest being a boy who is so good looking for a newborne.
I am not able to golf for a few days, had a fall and kind of wrecked my right knee. Other purple and green bruises are showing up but I managed to make a good 'fall', according to bystanders, and did not hit my head on the cement curb. I'm sort of like Chester in "Gunsmoke" straight legging to keep the broken skin from rebreaking. I still have my chest infection and they are waiting until June to xray again.
I thought I'd leave out that last paragraph but then I thought, 'what the heck', Roni wants to know the truth, and nothing but the truth, etc.
I think of you often, dear girl, if my emails help, I'm glad, and I still don't know what happened to my $25.00 donation. Should I just go to the website again, if I can find it? Sending all good thoughts, and love, Auntie Shirley
I have been lax in replying to your comments - and I am sorry.
I didn't go to the opening day of the A & N shoe sale - are you nuts! Shannon and I went the following Tuesday. So much quiter. The Langely store is better than downtown, just has a different atmosphere. The downtown one is totally different from when I was a kid.
Roses are coming along nicely - the ones in the front of the house (yellow) have opened up since taking the pictures. And they smell wonderful. Poppies are flippin huge this year - wider than my hand opened up fully. The little California poppies look so tiny in comparison.
Bonnie - looking forward to your visit - we got lots to talk about - might need more than one bottle of wine!!!
Jack - you are right, things are crappy now but I couldn't imagine the opposite side. I like having my two feet planted on this place we call earth and plan on it for as long as I can!
Mavis - how did you guys do????? I need to know.... I said lots of prayers when I knew your group would be singing.
Niki - you are petite - and do you have problems finding shoes? I do know what you mean about ugly shoes - I did read MUGshots... I will take some pix of the shoes once they are on my feet and in the gown!
I have been keeping up with your blog, and reading just how sick the side effects are making you, and I feel so sorry for you. This is a really shitty thing for you to have to go through, and Gawd, the needle that is two inches long, just makes me shudder.
Do glad you are enjoying the baby so much. They take so much of our pain away, just by looking at them and watching the funny things that they do.
Sending love and hugs Roni.
Daphne (from Ontario)
Those are some sexy strappy heels!! I don't know that I would have lasted 2 hours in those puppies!! Glad you had a great time at the mess dinner, and your garden is looking beautiful!
I am sorry to have missed yet another of your guys BBQs I trust all was good and that all food and drink were enjoyed. Just wanted to drop you a line from one Mick to another. Keep fightin' the good fight love.
God Bless,
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