Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sorry for the scare!!!!

Didn't mean to give everyone a scare! But, yes, I did go to the hospital - I spiked a fever and when I spoke with the cancer clinic, they said go into emergency. Which we did. I was masked right away and the sent to the isolation room in Pediatrics Emergency - with a fever of 39.2. For the most part if was ok - till the end when a few babies were just not happy little campers. They did blood cultures and took a ton of blood - well maybe not quite a ton...... We sat and waited - I lay on a very uncomfy gurney for about 2 hours give or take for a doctor to come back in and give the results. And I am cold, but you can't have a warm blanket because you have a fever, not quite sure on that one - but I did have my cancer quilt and it stayed with me! And we were happy with the results - my white blood count was just fine! And the rest of the blood work was fine as well. The doctor figures it had to do with the cold that I am fighting. But he said to follow up with Dr. P whom I am seeing on Monday. This doesn't mess up my chemo at all - wahooooo!!!!



Anonymous said...

Glad it wasn't another hospital stay... I never get the no blanket with a fever thing.... I usually get the shivers when I have a fever and like a warm blankie... hmmm ... Take care Roni, and shake off the cold... I will be thinking of you next week while I am away... ttyl. Love ya Rae

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're okay. Take care of yourself and we'll see you in November.
All our thoughts are with you.

Rod & Colleen

Anonymous said...

Well - We knew something was up when we did'nt get any of your crazy e-mails yesterday.
Stay healthy doll! We got a lunch date on the 25th...
Love ya kid!
Kari, Lisa, Suzanne.
(AKA - The Train People)

Niki G said...

Good to hear some good news!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are home from Emergency and that your blood counts were good - Sending you a hug, because apparently you need 13 a day just to maintain the status quo - anything over that is a bonus. I can't back that up with facts but my chiropractor insists that it's true and who am I to argue? Do take care, Mavis